Design texts in Excel
The “Layout” menu ribbon makes working with firesys in Excel easier. There are a number of options which you can use to change your document’s layout quickly and easily according to your requirements.
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Formatting text
Select line types
Here you can assign a line type to the currently selected cell. Predefined styles are available for the table header and table body.
Vorlage:Video - Zeilentyp zuweisenENG
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Good to know
It is sufficient to select a cell in a column and assign one of the predefined styles to it - firesys automatically assigns the selected style to the complete table row. |
Datei:RxebRowType 16.png Show style
Indicates which format style is currently in use in the selected cell.
Formats the selected text in bold.
Formats the selected text in italics.
Decrease / increase indent
Insert of remove a tab in the selected Excel cell.
Connect and centre
Connects selected Excel cells and aligns the cell content to the centre.
Highlight entire columns or individual cells in Excel with a defined background colour or remove the highlighting. In Excel, a pattern is set across the selected cells so the background and font colours are easily recognizable. Depending on the layout, various highlights are available (e.g.: previous year, current year, ...).
Colours cells in Excel yellow or removes this highlighting so that this can be transferred to Word. This way, numbers or texts in tables, that have not been defined yet, can be highlighted sustain-ably.
Hide numbers
Colours selected cells red or removes this highlighting so that the cells can be replaced with Xs in Word. This function is useful if you want to transfer your confidential data to external parties, e.g. your translator.
Ignore number format
Highlights the selected cells in green or removes the highlight. The contents of the cells highlight-ed in green (e.g. the term “Chapter 2.1”) are ignored when the number format of language-numbers is used.
Import brackets
Vorlage:Video-Hervohebungen-Klammern einlesenENG
In the past, numbers in brackets were shown as negative numbers in Word. When you apply the “import brackets” function to Excel cells, numbers in brackets (e.g. information from the notes) are transferred to Word when updating. When the number format of languagenumbers is used, they are not recognized as negative numbers and therefore remain in the table as numbers in brackets. This is particularly useful if you want to display information from the notes with brack-ets in your tables.
Highlights the selected cells in light blue or removes this highlight again. With cells that are highlighted in light blue, two diagonal lines are set when they are imported into Word. This can be used in reports, for example, which are created in accordance with the Solvency II Standard.
Conditional formatting
Find trends and patterns in your data easily with the aid of bars. Colours and symbols visually highlight important values. The conditional formatting can be transferred to Word.
The transfer of the background and font colours of an Excel cell is available to you in all firesys documents. The relevant option must be activated in Word for the transfer. In the firesys layout, you can also integrate icon sets in tables.
Case study: Application of a colour scale
Case study: Display of arrow symbols =
Case study: The use of conditional formatting with font adaptations
So weisen Sie Tabellenzellen eine farbige bedingte Formatierung zu:
Öffnen Sie das Arbeitsblatt in Excel und wählen Sie die Zellen aus, auf die Sie die bedingte Formatierung anwenden möchten.
Klicken Sie im Menüband "*Premiumlayout" auf den Knopf "Bedingte Formatierung".
Wählen Sie im Drop-Down-Menü das Untermenü „Regeln zum Hervorheben von Zellen“ aus und wählen Sie das gewünschte Kriterium aus.
→ Es öffnet sich ein Dialog, indem Sie das Verhalten der bedingten Formatierung genauer festlegen können. -
Wählen Sie im rechten Auswahldialog die Option „benutzerdefiniertes Format“ aus.
Wählen Sie im sich nun öffnenden Dialog das gewünschte Schriftbild aus, das verwendet werden soll, wenn die bedingte Formatierung dargestellt wird.
Speichern Sie das Excel-Dokument und wechseln Sie nach Word.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass in den firesys-Einstellungen in der Gruppe „Daten aus Excel“ im Unterpunkt „Tabellengestaltung und Struktur“ die Einstellung „Schriftfarbe“ aktiviert wurde.
Führen Sie die Funktion „Aktualisieren“ in der Gruppe „Excel-Daten“ im Menüband „*Inhalt“ aus.
→ Die Tabelle wird aktualisiert und die bedingte Formatierung auf die Tabelle angewendet.
See also
Design an Excel document
The StyleGuide in Excel
Views and comments in Excel