Apply dynamic texts

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With this function you can colour texts, tables and graphics from stories and dynamically show or hide them in one or more master documents. Writing back stories is not possible when using dynamic texts and is blocked when the function is activated.

Activate dynamic texts

The view of general settings

In order to work with dynamic texts, you must first activate the function in both the master document and the stories.
Note : Please note that this option is not compatible with the option “Take over intersection from Excel”.

To activate the function:

  1. Go to the firesys settings. You will find these on all firesys menu ribbons in the “firesys” group. Click on the suitcase symbol to open the settings.
  2. In the settings, go to the tab “Collaboration” and activate the function “Activate dynamic texts”.
  3. In the master document, you now have the option of specifying for each colouring within the story whether and how these are to be adopted.
  4. You can choose from:
    • Read in and adopt the colour
    • The coloured content is displayed in the corresponding colour in both the story and the master document.
    • Einlesen und nur die Farbe entfernen
    • Der eingefärbte Text wird im Partikel in der entsprechenden Farbe angezeigt. Im Masterdokument wird die Farbe entfernt.
    • Read in and remove only the colour
    • The coloured content is displayed in the corresponding colour in the story. In the master document, the coloured content is completely removed.
  5. When you have set your desired options, click on “Apply” and confirm with “OK”.

Apply dynamic texts

How to apply dynamic texts:

  1. Open the story.
  2. In the document, highlight the content you want to colour.
  3. Click on the “Text formats” button in the “Text” group in the “*Design” ribbon.
  4. In the drop-down menu that then opens, you can assign the corresponding colour to the marked text under the item “Dynamic texts”.
  5. Save the story and close the document.
  6. Open the master document.
  7. Click on the “Update” button in the “*Content” ribbon in the “Collaboration” group.
  8. The changes from the story are transferred to the master document according to your settings.

The “Reset” function

With this function you can reset the set text formats or delete the coloured marking. The text reappears in the original formatting both in the stories and in the master document.