Settings in Word – MeetingPoint

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Working with firesys requires a MeetingPoint with customer-specific information. This dialog guides you through linking to your documents to the MeetingPoint.

Temporarily save MeetingPoint

The view of the MeetingPoint settings in Word

Temporarily save linked MeetingPoint

With this option, a local version of the MeetingPoint is saved in order to increase access times.

Current MeetingPoint

Shows the path to the currently linked MeetingPoint.


Link to the current document

Please select the path to the MeetingPoint for the current document.

Select layout

Displays the current layout.

Connect further documents

Select the additional documents to which the MeetingPoint will be linked.

Password protection

If your documents are protected, you must enter the password in order to link the selected documents to the MeetingPoint.

MeetingPoint update

If an update of the MeetingPoint is available for the components of the firesys standard layout, you will be notified in the settings and the firesys ribbon has an additional icon in the “firesys” group which is always displayed (see right).

EN Menüband Word Gestaltung.jpg

See also

Navigation hoch.svg The setting menus in firesys
Navigation hoch.svg The firesys settings in Word
Navigation rechts.svg The registration settings in firesys
Navigation rechts.svg The highlighting settings in Word

Further contents

firesys website
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