Taxonomy Issues

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The taxonomy is only available in English/cannot be loaded

The taxonomy might have to be updated to the version that is deployed with toolsxbrl. ESMA does not include all languages by default in the entry point. Our package fixes that issue.

  1. Download the complete taxonomy
  2. Select "Import Taxonomy ZIP file"
  3. Select the downloaded taxonomy file
  4. The taxonomy will be updated.
  5. The taxonomy needs to be reloaded

This may be related to: to use a local copy of the Taxonomy? Use a local copy of the Taxonomy

How to load the taxonomy version 2022?

The current taxonomy version can be loaded automatically after clicking on "XBRL → Open/Load Taxonomy".

You have to choose your Base Taxonomy and click on Load.

After that the new Taxonomy version will be loaded. You can check your current Taxonomy version in the button bar of toolsxbrl.

How do I update the Taxonomy Cache?

The taxonomy might have to be updated to the version that is deployed with toolsxbrl.

  1. Download the complete taxonomy
  2. Select "Import Taxonomy ZIP file" in the XBRL menu.
  3. Select the downloaded taxonomy file
  4. The taxonomy will be updated.
  5. The taxonomy needs to be reloaded

This may be related to: Use a local copy of the Taxonomy

How can I use any other taxonomy beyond ESEF with toolsxbrl?

  1. Just download ony of the taxonomies that you would like to report, e.g. the HMRC Taxonomy: Taxonomies accepted by HMRC
  2. Click “Open/Load” taxonomy in the “XBRL” menu
  3. Select “Load Taxonomy Package” and import the ZIP file via the “Add” button, then close the Taxonomy Package Manager.
  4. Then load the corresponding entry point and start tagging.

How do I add the new EFRAG PoC Taxonomy into toolsxbrl?

  1. You can download the taxonomy here: The preview of ESRS PoC XBRL Taxonomy Package - EFRAG After downloading the taxonomy you have to unzip the downloaded file.
  2. Copy the folder from the original folder.
  3. Go to you cache folder.
  4. Paste the copied folder into your cache folder:
  5. Open toolsxbrl and click on Open/Load Taxonomy.
  6. Choose the Option Define Custom EntryPoint:
  7. Enter the EFRAG EntryPoint:
  8. You are done.

How to use a local copy of the Taxonomy?

  1. Please go to the XBRL Processor Settings in main menu under "Settings" and activate the options:
    1. Cache downloaded files
    2. Force offline cache usage for cached files
      1. Please activate Disable binary Cache if this option is not active.

This may be related to: the taxonomy is only available in English

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