Edit automated worksheet

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Processes the automated worksheet. Text, number columns and other master value columns can be added. The definition of the columns on the worksheet can also be adjusted.

<imagemap>Datei:EN_Excel Menüband Inhalt Zentralwerte Bearbeiten.jpg|center|1200px

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To edit an automated worksheet later on, click on the “*Contents” menu on the “Edit” button in the “Master values” group. The following task pane opens:

The task pane of editing automated worksheets.

Firesys Icons BubbleTransparent 1 white background.png Ribbon

Save and close

Saves the changes, updates the worksheet and closes the task pane.

Update task pane

Updates the contents of the task pane if changes have been made to the worksheet subsequently.

Firesys Icons BubbleTransparent 2 white background.png Worksheet name

Displays the name of the automated worksheet.

Firesys Icons BubbleTransparent 3 white background.png Account group

Displays the selected account group from which key date data is inserted in the number columns. The account group can be subsequently changed for the automated worksheet.

Firesys Icons BubbleTransparent 4 white background.png Text column

Add text column

Add the column selected in the worksheet as a text column. A set of two pieces of information is created, which can be defined subsequently.

Remove text column

Removes the selected text column from the definition.

List area

Displays the defined text columns. Two parameters belong to each text column.

  • text column - column in which the texts are displayed on the worksheet.
  • master value column - master value column from which the numbers are to be provided.

By clicking on the button the selection can be taken over on the worksheet as text or master value column.

Firesys Icons BubbleTransparent 5 white background.png Columns

Add column of numbers

Add the column selected in the worksheet as a column of numbers. A set of three pieces of information is created, which can be defined subsequently.

Remove column of numbers

Removes the selected text column from the definition.

List area

Displays the defined number columns. There are three parameters for each number column:

  • number column - column in which the numbers are displayed on the worksheet.
  • master value column - master value column from which the numbers are to be provided.
  • key date - Shows the key date from which the values are to be provided in the number columns.

By clicking on the button, the selection can be taken over on the worksheet as numbers or master value column; in addition, the key date can be adjusted per number column.

Case study: Edit automated worksheet

Die Erklärung der einzelnen Schritte im Detail

So weisen Sie einer Wertespalte eine neue Zentralwertspalte zu:

  1. Öffnen Sie das automatisierte Arbeitsblatt, in dem eine Wertespalte einer neuen Zentralwertspalte zugewiesen werden soll.

  2. Klicken Sie im Menüband „*Inhalt“ in der Gruppe „Zentralwerte“ auf den Knopf „Bearbeiten“.
    → Es öffnet sich rechts der Arbeitsbereich „Definition“.

  3. Klicken Sie auf eine beliebige Zelle in der Spalte, die die neue Zentralwertspalte werden soll.

  4. Wählen Sie im Arbeitsbereich die Spalte aus, die verändert werden soll und klicken Sie den Knopf in der Zeile „Zentralwertspalte“
    → Der Name der neuen Zentralwertspalte wird nun in der Zeile angezeigt.

  5. Speichern Sie die Änderungen, indem Sie auf die „Diskette” oben links im Arbeitsbereich klicken.
    → Der Name der neuen Zentralwertspalte wird nun in der Zeile angezeigt.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Automated worksheet
Navigation rechts.svg Insert automated worksheet
Navigation rechts.svg Automate worksheet
Navigation rechts.svg Detach automated worksheet

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