The firesys shortcuts

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Here you will find an overview of all firesys shortcuts.

Software-Funktion Tastenkürzel Menüband Gruppe
Update (selected) Excel object Alt + X + A *Content Excel data
Show all (paragraph marks) 1 Ctrl + * All firesys
Update (selected) graphic object Alt + G + A *Content Graphic
Update (selected) story Alt + C + A *Content Collaboration
Open (selected) story Alt + C + O *Content Collaboration
Reconnect (Excel) object Alt + X + P *Content Excel data
Open (graphic) source Alt + G + O *Content Graphic
Align with baseline grid Alt + R + A *Publish Typography
Conditional hyphen 1 Ctrl + - *Publish Text
Open Content manager Alt + C + L *Content Collaboration
Paste data in text directly from selected Excel cell Alt + X + D *Content Excel data
Start Excel data manager Alt + X + L *Content Excel data
Open Excel source Alt + X + O *Content Excel data
firesys settings Alt + T + S All firesys
Reset format Ctrl + Alt + Space *Design Text
Insert En-dash 1 Ctrl + - (NUM) *Publish Text
Non-breaking hyphen 1 Ctrl + Shift + - *Publish Text
Non-breaking space 1 Ctrl + Shift + Space *Publish Text
Open Graphics manager Alt + G + L *Content Graphics manager
Help assistant Alt + T + H All firesys
Show guide lines Alt + T + G All firesys
Extend letter spacing Alt + Right *Publish Typography
Reduce letter spacing Alt + Left *Publish Typography
Open Layout Check Alt + T + L *Publish Layout and Wording
Undo last firesys action Ctrl + Shift + Z All firesys
Restore last firesys action Ctrl + Shift + Y All firesys
Open StyleGuide Alt + S + T *Design Text
Insert a table from a file Alt + X + E *Content Excel data
Insert table directly from the selected Excel range Alt + X + T *Content Excel data
Table assistant Alt + T + A *Design Tables
Typography functions Alt + T + Y *Publish Typography
Soft return 1 Shift + Enter *Publish Text
Repeat last firesys action Shift + F4 All firesys

1 These functions of firesys map functions of Word and thus belong to the Word standard functions