Vorlage:Video-Word-firesys-MeetingPoint neu anbinden-English

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The explanation of the individual steps in detail

To attach a MeetingPoint to a document:

  • Requirement: If no MeetingPoint is connected to the document or the previously used MeetingPoint has not been found, a dialogue box opens automatically when the document is opened, stating that a MeetingPoint must be specified. To connect a MeetingPoint to the document, confirm in the dialogue with “Yes”.

  • The firesys welcome dialogue opens. Select your preferred language here.

  • Then click on “Next >”.

  • On the following page of the dialogue you can select a new MeetingPoint. Click on the three dots to the right of “Please select a MeetingPoint”. A selection dialogue opens.

  • Drag and drop the folder containing the MeetingPoint into the selection field.
    Note: Alternatively, you can connect the MeetingPoint further down in the dialogue via the button “Additional folders”.

  • Confirm with “OK”.

  • Note: If you subsequently want to attach several Word documents at the same time (including stories) to the newly selected MeetingPoint, you can do this in the “Connect further documents” section. This saves you having to attach each individual document. Click on the three dots under “Connect further documents” and proceed in the selection dialogue that opens in the same way as when selecting the MeetingPoint.

  • Click on “Next >”. Your documents are bound to the MeetingPoint.
    Note: Please note that after changing the MeetingPoint, save, close and reopen the document to be able to work optimally with firesys.