Vorlage:Video-Word-Veröffentlichen-Web-Export Web-Version vorbereiten-English
To prepare a document as a web version:
On the “*Publish” tab in the “Web export” group, click on the “Prepare web version” button.
In the “Prepare web version” dialogue you can choose between different options to customise the web export according to your wishes.
Select the output directory in the “Web version” tab. In addition, you can set whether an HTML document should be created and whether the tables should be exported together and/or individually.
Once all settings in “Web version” have been made, click on “Next”.
In the “Document” tab, you have the option of splitting your document individually and exporting graphics.
Once all settings have been made in “Document”, click on “Next”.
In the “Tables” tab, the exported tables can be given names, a logo can be inserted and other options can be set.
Click on the “Complete” button to start the export.
When the preparation of the web version is finished, there is a folder in the output directory containing the subfolders “Report”, “Graphics” and “Tables” with corresponding contents.