Prepare web version

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Toolsweb enables you to automatically create an html document of your financial report with just one click. if desired, you can export all your tables in one file or in individual files.

EN Menüband Word Veröffentlichen Web-Export.jpg

The functions in detail

Prepare web-version

Define what will happen when a web version is created.

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

The exported tables in your corporate design can be made directly available for the online version of your report.


EN Word Veröffentlichen Web-Version Web-Version.jpg

Output directory

Determine which folder the documents will be saved in.


The entire document will also be created as an HTML document.


Export all tables into an Excel spreadsheet

The table export saves all tables including the allocated footnotes in your word document in one Excel file. If an HTML document was also created, a download link to each table is automatically generated.

Export each table into an individual Excel spreadsheet

The table export saves all tables including the associated footnotes in your Word document in in-dividual Excel files. If an HTML document was also created, a download link to each table is au-tomatically generated.


EN Word Veröffentlichen Web-Version Dokument.jpg


The entire report will be converted into HTML document(s). Each paragraph is enclosed by so-called Tags . These are extremely useful for further processing by the web agency. You have the choice between:

  • Do not split document: The entire report is converted to one HTML document
  • Split document after titles: Select a title where you would like to split the HTML document. Individual HTML documents will be created for this.
  • Convert document for online first: Please select the levels at which you would like to cre-ate individual HTML documents


This option exports all graphics which appear in the report as graphic files, which can then be used in the online report. If an HTML document was also created, a download link to each graphic is automatically generated.

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

Only graphics which have been inserted using linkgraphics are exported.


EN Word Veröffentlichen Web-Version Tabellen.jpg

Sheet title

Insert a general sheet title

Define a sheet title, which will be displayed on all Excel worksheets.

Insert individual sheet subheading

Uses the table title (provided that it has been entered with linktables) or the previous title before the table in the document as a subtitle in the export file.

Insert logo graphic

Decide whether you would like to show your company’s logo on the first worksheet or on every Excel worksheet.

Additional table options

Apply fonts

Transfers the fonts from the Word file to Excel when exporting.

Transfer number format

Transfers the correct number format for the numbers in the tables and in body text when export-ing.

Ignore dummy rows and columns

Ignores all rows and columns during export, which firesys only requires in Word for table design (dummy rows and columns).

Format tables as text

Formats the entire range of the table as text in Excel. Here it should be noted that after the Web Export the numbers in the output Excel file no longer calculate.


The web export is created in the previously defined folder and includes the following three folders and one text file (“read me”):

Word Veröffentlichen Web-Version Ordneransicht.jpg


This folder contains the HTML documents of your report.

Word Veröffentlichen Web-Version Export.jpg


This folder contains the exported graphics of your report.


The folder contains the exported tables of your report.


This file contains information on the web export.

Video: Prepare Web-Version

The explanation of the individual steps in detail

To prepare a document as a web version:

  1. On the “*Publish” tab in the “Web export” group, click on the “Prepare web version” button.
    → The "Prepare web version" dialogue opens.

  2. In the “Prepare web version” dialogue you can choose between different options to customise the web export according to your wishes.

    1. Select the output directory in the "Web version" tab.

    2. Select whether an HTML document is to be created.

    3. Select whether the tables are to be exported together and/or individually.

  3. Once all settings in “Web version” have been made, click on “Next”.

  4. In the “Document” tab, you have the option of splitting your document individually and exporting graphics.

  5. Once all settings have been made in “Document”, click on “Next”.

  6. In the “Tables” tab, the exported tables can be given names, a logo can be inserted and other options can be set.

  7. Click on the “Complete” button to start the export.
    → When the preparation of the web version is finished, there is a folder in the output directory containing the subfolders “Report”, “Graphics” and “Tables” with corresponding contents.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Publish Word contents
Navigation rechts.svg Prepare contents for the export for the translator
Navigation rechts.svg The toolsxbrl functions

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