Insert contents from WeSustain

Aus firesys Hilfe
Version vom 7. Dezember 2022, 15:41 Uhr von C.wagner (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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To use data from WeSustain (figures), firesys provides an interface.

Figures from WeSustain

In WeSustain it is possible to export numerical KPIs from WeSustain with the help of a “firesys Export”. The following steps are necessary for this:

  • Login and authentication at the WeSustain server
  • Open the firesys export dialogue

EN WeSustain Daten Export Dialog öffnen.png

  • A new dialogue opens
  • Select the option “Create new firesys export”

EN WeSustain Einen neuen firesys Export erstellen.png

  • Another dialogue opens in which indicators and organisational units must be selected
  • By assigning a name, the export is saved in the system and can be used again in case of changes in the figures

EN WeSustain Daten Export Dialog konfigurieren.png

  • The export *.csv file can then be downloaded
  • The export is imported by firesys using the Data import. The numerical KPIs can be used in Excel through the Manual values function or the Automate worksheet function. In the Data import manager, you can recognise the imports from WeSustain via the WeSustain icon

See also

Navigation hoch.svg External services
Navigation rechts.svg Insert contents from Envoria

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