Vorlage:Video-Word-Veröffentlichen-Sprache und Zahlenformat-Übersetzung vorbereiten-English

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The explanation of the individual steps in detail

How to prepare your documents for translation:

  1. Note: You can prepare your document(s) for export to a translator by removing all language-specific changes from the document, such as letter-spacing adjustments, change tracking, manual line breaks and anything else.

  2. On the “*Publish” tab in the “Language and number format” group, click the “Prepare for translation” button. The dialogue “Prepare translation” opens.

  3. In the dialogue you have the option of selecting an output directory and specifying a language with the corresponding suffix for the target document. In addition, you can decide whether the document should be sent to Freeway for translation. Finally, you determine which stories are to be prepared, optionally with or without a master document.

  4. Click on the button “Prepare...” to start the process. A dialogue appears.

  5. Click on “Yes” if you want to save the document and prepare the translation. When the process has stopped, a dialogue appears indicating that your document has been saved in the directory you specified.

  6. Click “Close” to close the dialogue.