Vorlage:Video-Daten im Text aus Datei einfügen-English

Aus firesys Hilfe
Version vom 8. August 2023, 10:08 Uhr von I.desalvo (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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A detailed explanation of the individual steps

This is how you insert a data in text object directly from a file into Word with firesys:

  1. In Excel, highlight the cell that you want to add to Word as a linked data object in the body text.

  2. Give the selected cell a name as otherwise it cannot be imported.

  3. Save the Excel file.

  4. Repeat this procedure for each cell that you want to add to Word as a linked data object in body text.

  5. Go to Word and position the cursor where you want to insert the data in the document.

  6. On the “*Content” tab in the “Excel Data” group on the “Insert” menu and select “From file” from the “Data in text...” area.
    → A data selection dialogue opens..

  7. Select the Excel file containing the worksheet with the cell you require (“data source”).
    → The linktext assistant opens

  8. The linktext assistant opens.

  9. Select the worksheet containing the required cell.

  10. Select the cell using the name that you defined in Excel.

  11. If applicable, check “Set absolute value” if you want to add a number as an absolute value.

  12. Click on "OK".
    → The linktext assistant inserts the data from the selected Excel cell into your body text.