Vorlage:Video- ManuellerWert erstellen-English

Aus firesys Hilfe
Version vom 20. September 2023, 12:59 Uhr von I.desalvo (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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A detailed explanation of the individual steps

How to create a manual value:

  1. Open an Excel workbook and activate firesys.
    Note: A prerequisite is that a compatible MeetingPoint was already connected.

  2. In the “*Content” menu ribbon, in the “Master values” group, open the master value manager.

  3. In the “Management” group, click on the “Add” button.
    → A selection dialogue box opens.

  4. Select the “Manual value” option.

  5. An input dialogue opens in which you can assign a name and a numerical value to the manual value. You also have the option of entering a comment. Then confirm by clicking on “OK”
    → the manual value is created.