KB-Entries 20.0.2

Aus firesys Hilfe
Version vom 22. Juli 2021, 11:52 Uhr von M.schneider (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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New Features

Formatting tables as text during web export
Toolsweb.png | Word.png
When preparing the annual report as a web version, there is now the option to format the entire area of a table in Excel as text. Note: The figures contained in the Excel file no longer calculate after the web export.


Adjustments of the menu band in the firesys-layout
Firesys-Layout.png | Word.png
With the release of version 20.0.2, the "*firesys-Layout" menu band will be adapted. The functions "Insert cross page" and "Adjust header" will be removed.

Using the table export with toolsweb changes number formats
Toolsweb.png | Word.png
It happened that after using the function "Prepare Web-Version" in firesys the number format in the exported tables was changed. Thus decimal places were moved or separators were not set correctly in the Excel workbooks. This error has now been fixed - and exporting the tables in Word creates an identical image in Excel.

The table export of toolsweb permanently changes basic Excel functions
Toolsweb.png | Word.png
It has happened that after exporting tables with the function [Prepare_web_version#Web-version

All values of validations no longer exist if other values were deleted
Toolsweb.png | Word.png
It can happen in handling with firesys that an existing (Multiple) Validations deletes one or more validation values from the user. An error could occur, where the validation was still displayed as an entry in the validation worksheet, but all values of the validation in the validation workspace were removed. This error has now been corrected - and all information about which cells a validation is composed of remains in the validation workspace.

Incorrect behavior when inserting data in text elements, for firesys licenses without languagenumbers
Linktext.png | Word.png
It has happened that the insert data in text elements from a file failed if the module languagenumbers was not part of the used firesys license. The function could be called, but the selection could not be confirmed. With the release of version 20.0.2 this bug has been fixed.

Faulty synchronization of single text blocks in toolsxbrl
Toolsxbrl.png | Word.png
It has happened that when using toolsxbrl set text tags containing shorter text blocks (single words/text components) in a particle were not correctly transferred to the corresponding master document. A similar behavior could be observed when executing the "Update story" function. These errors have now been fixed - and assigned text tags are transferred correctly even in shorter text blocks (which do not contain a complete paragraph).

Execution of the function "Reset format" leads to Word crashes
Firestarter.png | Word.png
It has happened that executing the function "Reset formatting" on a text area that contained tables (with superscript or subscript numbers) could cause Word to crash. As long as superscript or subscript numbers were only used in continuous text, no crash occurred. This bug was fixed with the release of version 20.0.2.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg The firesys knowledge base
Navigation links.svg The new features of version 20.0.1
Navigation rechts.svg The new features of version 20.1.0

Further contents

firesys website
Customer area