Delete validations

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So you can delete an existing validation in firesys.


A detailed explanation of the individual steps

To delete a validation in Excel:

  • In Excel, select a cell that contains a validation to be deleted.

  • Switch to the firesys validation sheet using the function "switch to validation sheet".

  • Click on the "Delete validation" button on the "*Validation" tab in the "Validation and consistency" group.

  • If you have not saved your Excel workbook immediately before, an information dialog box appears, indicating that the workbook must be saved.

  • Es öffnet sich ein Dialog, der Ihnen anzeigt, wieviele Validierungen gelöscht werden sollen. Mit einem Klick auf „Ok“ werden die ausgewählten Validierungen gelöscht.

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

You can also switch to the Validation worksheet at any time in the sheet tab.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg The validation basic functions
Navigation rechts.svg Create validations
Navigation rechts.svg Create multiple validations
Navigation rechts.svg Auto-validations in firesys
Navigation rechts.svg Edit validation
Navigation rechts.svg Approve deviations

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