Edit texts
Adapt the standard report to your corporate design. You have the option of changing an extensive range of format templates. This includes all body text, heading and table format templates.
Adjustments can be made to the following parameters:
Font type
You can select a font for your headings, continuous texts and table labels here.
Font size
Select the desired font size (in points) here.
Text mark-up
Here you can select the desired text mark-up. Bold, italic and capital letters are available.
Font colour
Select here the font colour in which your texts are to be formatted.
Text alignment
Here you can select the text alignment. You can choose between left-justified, right-justified, centred and justified.
At this point you can determine the running width of the text (in pt).
Row spacing
Select the line spacing (in pt) of the text here.
Spacing before/Spacing after
Select here how large spacing (in pt) should be defined between text lines and paragraphs.
Border above
Define a line here that is located above a heading. You can define both the line colour, type and thickness. This option is only available for headings.
Border below
Define a line here that is below a heading. Here, too, you can define both the line colour, type and thickness. This option is only available for headings.
See also