KB-Entries 21.2.1

Aus firesys Hilfe
Version vom 4. August 2021, 09:28 Uhr von M.schneider (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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New Features

Changing the text highlight colours in Word
Firestarter.png | Word.png
Until now, texts could be highlighted with the colour "white" in firesys. However, this led to problems with the display of other markings in firesys, as these were superimposed. To avoid problems of this kind, the text highlighting colour "white" has been removed.

Extension of the text formats in the standard layout
Firestarter.png | Word.png
The text formats in the standard layout have been extended by some functions. For more information on textformats, click the following link: Edit Texts


Error when activating the firesys functions
Firestarter.png | Excel.png
It happened that in Excel the firesys functions in the ribbon were not displayed after pressing the Activate button. This error has been fixed.

Performance when updating stories
Linkdocuments.png | Word.png
Fixed a bug that caused stories to take longer to update than usual.

Missing message when formatting formulas
Toolsvalidation.png | Excel.png
When clicking on the function "Formatting" with other contents than formulas in the selection, no message was displayed that this function cannot be executed. Now a message appears stating that the cell does not contain a formula.

Error when validating values with manual rounding
Toolsvalidation.png | Excel.png
When validating values that contained a manual rounding, the error occurred that the original value was validated instead of the rounded value. This error has now been fixed so that the rounded value is now used for validation.

Error of table headings during web export
Toolsweb.png | Word.png
With the web export it is possible to take over headings from tables. If a table has an empty heading, it is skipped. Fixed an error where empty headings were not skipped during export and thus the table in question was not named correctly.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg The firesys Knowledge Base
Navigation links.svg The new features of version 21.2.0
Navigation rechts.svg The new features of version 21.2.2

Further contents

firesys website
Customer area