Create versioning

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Version vom 19. November 2021, 10:08 Uhr von K.krautscheid (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Version type

Select whether you want to create a major version or a minor version. The versions are automatically incremented before the period (new major version) or after the period (new minor version).

EN Word Versions-Manager Version-erstellen.jpg

Workflow status

Gives you the option of assigning the new version one of three statuses "Draft", "Pending" or "Approved".

Version comments

Version comments can be entered here.

Video: Create a versioning

A detailed explanation of the individual steps

To create a new version in firesys

  1. In the “*Content” menu ribbon, in the “Versioning” group, click on the “New version” button.
    → A dialog opens with the following settings options:

    1. Version type
      Select whether you wish to create a main version or auxiliary version. The versions are automatically numbered before the point (new main version), or after the point (new auxiliary version).

    2. Workflow status
      Gives you the possibility of assigning the new version one of three statuses “Draft”, “Pending” or “Approved”.

    3. Version comments
      Comments on the version can be entered here.

  2. Click on "OK.
    → Versioning is carried out.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Versioning in firesys
Navigation rechts.svg Version manager overview
Navigation rechts.svg Compare documents
Navigation rechts.svg Settings in Word – version

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