Never hyphenate word

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Version vom 2. März 2023, 09:23 Uhr von R.kuhlmann (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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You can use the “Never hyphenate word” function (a sub-function of the typography functions) to determine that certain individually definable words such as company or product names are generally excluded by Word from hyphenation.

Firesys Icons BubbleTransparent 1 white background.png The list

The Never hyphenate word view in Word

The list displays all defined rules. The list is constantly updated and sorted alphabetically.

Firesys Icons BubbleTransparent 2 white background.png Start

This command carries out all typography functions (except the “baseline” function).

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

Alternatively, you can press Start in the Ribbon under the "*Publish" tab in the Typography group to run the typography functions.

Firesys Icons BubbleTransparent 3 white background.png Rules


Determine which words should never be separated (see “Define a new rule”).


Edit an existing rule.


Deletes the selected rule(s).

Firesys Icons BubbleTransparent 4 white background.png Filter

Full text search for rules.

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

The “Never hyphenate word” function is especially suitable for avoiding unwanted separations of company or product names. Even complex abbreviations of legal terms (such as IFRIC, EMIR) automatically remain non-hyphenated.

Video: Add a new rule

A detailed explanation of the individual steps

How to enter a new never hyphenate word rule:

  1. In the “*Publish” menu ribbon, in the “Typography” group, click on the “Typography functions” button.
    → The typography task field will open.

  2. In the task field, select the “Add rule” button on the “Never separate word” tab.
    → An input dialogue opens.

  3. Enter the term you require in the input dialog.

  4. Click “OK” to confirm the dialog.
    → You have created a new word never disconnect rule

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

In future, you can enter a term pair in the “Never hyphenate word” field (e.g. firesys GmbH). This function ensures that both terms are coupled and are excluded from the spell check.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg The typography functions in firesys
Navigation rechts.svg The coupler
Navigation rechts.svg Hyphenation
Navigation rechts.svg The baseline grid

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