Autocorrect in Excel

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Version vom 15. Juni 2023, 11:29 Uhr von R.kuhlmann (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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To avoid frequently occurring errors, you csn use the Autocorrect feature in Excel. Words that you want to be automatically corrected can be added to the Autocorrect list. This makes it easier to avoid recurring errors. If a term is requested in a partial dictionary, the editor of the central dictionary has the option to make corrections and thus include terms in the Autocorrect. You have two options for including terms in the Autocorrect:

  • You can adapt terms in the "Request terms" dialogue with the function "Edit requested terms". You can adapt both languages.

Glühbirne neu.png

If you work with the "Edit requested terms" function and only edit the translation, you will receive a note that the requested term is currently being requested. Accordingly, if you want to include the term in the Autocorrect, you must make changes to the source language.

  • You can replace terms in the "Request terms" dialogue with existing terms from the central dictionary. Both the term in the source language and its translation are exchanged.

Include term in Autocorrect

To include a term in the Autocorrect, proceed as follows:

  1. Apply for a term. How to apply for a term can be found here.
  2. In the "*Translation" tab in the "Dictionary" group, click on "Translation manager" below the icon.
    → A drop-down menu opens.
  3. Click on "Requested terms" in the "Master dictionary" group.
  4. Click on the small black arrow to the left of the requested term. You now have both options described above:
    1. Click on Beantragte Begriffe bearbeiten.jpg "Edit requested terms".
    2. Click on Beantragte Begriffe mit Begriffen aus Wörterbuch ersetzen.jpg "Replace requested term with a term from the Master dictionary".
  5. Make your changes.
  6. Click on "Save & Close".
    → The term is now added to the Central Dictionary and Autocorrect.

Delete terms in Autocorrect

If you find that you no longer want to correct a term automatically, you have the option of deleting terms from the Autocorrect. To do this, proceed as follows :

  1. In the "*Translation" tab in the "Dictionary" group, click on "Translation manager" below the icon.
    → A drop-down menu opens.
  2. Click on "Autocorrect" in the "Management" group.
    → The "Autocorrect" dialogue opens.
  3. Click on the term you want to delete. Click on "Delete".
    → A question dialogue opens.
  4. Click on "Yes".
    → The term is deleted from the Autocorrect.

Change terms in Autocorrect from word list

If you want to change a term in the Autocorrect with a term from the word list, proceed as follows:

  1. In the "*Translation" tab in the "Dictionary" group, click on "Translation manager" below the icon.
    → A drop-down menu opens.
  2. Click on "Autocorrect" in the "Management" group.
    → The "Autocorrect" dialogue opens.
  3. Click on the term you want to change. Click on "Change from word list".
    → The word list opens.
  4. Choose a term.
  5. Click on "OK".
    → The term is changed.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Translations in Excel
Navigation hoch.svg The translation basic functions
Navigation hoch.svg The translation manager

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