Tagging of Abstract Hierarchies

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Version vom 26. Oktober 2023, 09:05 Uhr von R.kuhlmann (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Besides the annual report that can be looked at in a browser with ESEF, every filer also creates its own taxonomy, complete with a presentation linkbase, that should mirror the structure of the report and can be visualized with XBRL tools.

Users already had the possibility to tag abstract items to existing tags in order to create a structure like the one below for the statement of financial position. However, this structure was limited to one level below the placeholder item.

It is possible to tag the complete structure.

To achieve this, drag and drop the desired abstract to the range of cells you want to group:

Tagging of Abstract Hierarchies1.png

In the dialog that will pop up, click YES if you want to mirror the hierarchy from ESMA's presentation linkbase, or "Only Abstract" to create a structure as in previous toolsxbrl versions:

Tagging of Abstract Hierarchies2.png

The resulting presentation linkbase visualization from the same report will now look like this:

Tagging of Abstract Hierarchies3.png

Siehe auch

Navigation hoch.svg Using toolsxbrl
Navigation rechts.svg Getting Started
Navigation rechts.svg Tagging of Tables
Navigation rechts.svg Tagging as Parentheticals / Values in Footnotes

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