Settings in Word - Tagging

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Version vom 19. Dezember 2023, 14:37 Uhr von R.kuhlmann (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „When working with toolsxbrl, you can make default settings in Word. center|800px ==Lock editing== To prevent unintentional changes being made to a document that you are currently editing in toolsxbrl, you have the option of blocking editing for the duration of editing in toolsxbrl. To do this, proceed as follows: *Click on link=|16px "firesys settings" in the "fire…“)
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When working with toolsxbrl, you can make default settings in Word.

EN Word firesys-einstellungen Tagging.jpg

Lock editing

To prevent unintentional changes being made to a document that you are currently editing in toolsxbrl, you have the option of blocking editing for the duration of editing in toolsxbrl. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • Click on Firesys Einstellungen.png "firesys settings" in the "firesys" group on the "*Design" tab.
    → The firesys settings open.
  • Click on the "Tag document" tab in the menu bar.
  • Set the toggle button under "Lock editing" to "On".
    ⇒ You have locked the document during editing with toolsxbrl.

XHTML export options

You have the option of displaying iXBRL exports in page format. To do this, you must make a default setting in Word. Proceed as follows:

  • Click on Firesys Einstellungen.png "firesys settings" in the "firesys" group on the "*Design" tab.
    → The firesys settings open.
  • Click on the "Tag document" tab in the menu bar.
  • Set the toggle button under "XHTML export options" to "On".
    ⇒ You have made the necessary default settings in Word to be able to display an iXBRL export in page format.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg The setting menus in firesys
Navigation hoch.svg The firesys settings in Word
Navigation rechts.svg The highlighting settings in Word
Navigation rechts.svg The align with base grid settings in Word

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