Insert contents from SharePoint

Aus firesys Hilfe
Version vom 21. Februar 2024, 12:11 Uhr von R.kuhlmann (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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You can also use firesys if you manage your files on SharePoint. However, the binding of the files works a little differently than on the file system, which is why the following explains how you can bind files from SharePoint. This may be necessary, for example, if you want to bind stories in the master that are located on SharePoint.

SharePoint Server

To connect a story that is located in SharePoint, you need a SharePoint link. You can obtain this by proceeding as follows:

Classic SharePoint Experience

1. Click on the three dots next to the file you want to open.

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

The link displayed here is not recognised by firesys. Follow the further steps.
SharePoint Server Link.jpg

2. Click on the three dots under „Open“ and click on „Version history“ in the menu that opens.
3. Right-click on the date of the most recent version of the file and click on „Copy link“. The link can be used in firesys.

Word Inhalt Zusammenarbeit Content-Manager SharePointKlassik.jpg

New SharePoint Experience

In the new SharePoint experience, there are several options for copying the link of a document:
A. Select the desired document. Click on „Copy link“ in the navigation bar.

Word Inhalt Zusammenarbeit Content-Manager SharePointNEU Navigationsleiste oben.jpg

B. Click on the three dots to the right of the document name. Click on „Copy link“ in the menu that opens.

Word Inhalt Zusammenarbeit Content-Manager SharePointNEU Kontextmenü.jpg

C. Click on „Share“ in the navigation bar next to the selected document or in the menu that opens when you click on the three dots and copy the link that is displayed.

Word Inhalt Zusammenarbeit Content-Manager SharePointNEU teilen.jpg

SharePoint Online


The login to SharePoint Online takes place when the document is opened. In order for firesys to be used with documents in SharePoint Online, the login to SharePoint must take place via form-based authentication within firesys.

EN firestarter SharePoint Online Anmeldung.png

To work with firesys, the question dialogue asking whether the user should remain logged in must be answered with “Yes”.

EN firestarter SharePoint Online Angemeldet bleiben.png

If the dialogue is not displayed, the “Show ‘Stay logged in’ option” must be activated in the “Azure Active Directory Admin Center”.

Insert content

In the appropriate folder, select the three dots next to the document and select "Details" at the bottom.

SharePoint Online Details.jpg

Next, a pane opens on the right with detailed information about the document. Scroll down here and click on the small icon next to "Path".

SharePoint Online Pfad.jpg

Work in firesys

Now the link has been copied and you can use it in firesys when you select a data source. The corresponding dialog looks like this, using the Excel data manager as an example:

EN SharePoint Link EDM.jpg

After clicking on "add to list" you can work with firesys as usual.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Insert external contents into Word
Navigation rechts.svg Insert graphics into Word
Navigation rechts.svg Working in the team with the content manager
Navigation rechts.svg Version and manage a document
Navigation rechts.svg Highlight and manage linked objects
Navigation rechts.svg Contents from WeSustain

Further contents

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