The basic functions of firesys

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The basic functions of firesys are always displayed in the “firesys” group in all firesys menu ribbons.

Datei:EN Basisfunktionen-firesys-Gruppe-komplett.jpg
The standard view of the group firesys in Word and Excel

Overview of the basic functions

The following elements are always available:

Start dashboard

→ Zum Hauptartikel über das firesys-Dashboard

Starts the firesys dashboard

The Help & Info menu

Datei:EN Word firesys-Verknüpfungen.jpg
The view of the Help & Info functions

Help assistant

Keyboard shortcut: Alt+T,H

The help assistant lists the most important functions of firesys in a searchable task area, which you can dock to the Word window or move to any area of the screen. If there is more information about a search term or detailed instructions, then you will find the corresponding link here to the online help.

Online user guide

Goes to the home page of the firesys help portal. You require an active Internet connection for this.

firesys webinar area

Goes directly to the webinar area on our home page in the customer area. This offers you an overview of the webinars relating to firesys that were previously held.

Support request

→ Go to the main article about firesys support offerings

Submit your support request directly to us. A system check is attached to the support request. It contains information such as the Office and firesys versions that are currently in use.

Step recording

The step recording records steps in firesys, includes descriptions for the individual actions and stores screenshots. The recording can subsequently be sent to your firesys account manager.

System check

Checks whether the software can run in your system environment and provides a report.

Start TeamViewer

Starts TeamViewer directly out of the software. TeamViewer is the central support and analysis tool used by firesys account managers so they can provide fast support in the event of any difficulties.


Shows information about your version of firesys, license type and the available modules including version number.

The basic functions in Word

Datei:Word firesys-Verknüpfungen.jpg
The view of Word-specific firesys basic functions


Display special characters

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+ Shift + *

Shows and hides paragraph marks and other formatting symbols (special characters).


→ Zum Hauptartikel der firesys-Einstellungen in Word

Keyboard shortcut: Alt + T, S

Settings for coupler, baseline grid, Excel data, versioning, etc.

Show text boundaries

Keyboard shortcut: Alt+ T, G

Switches the table borders and text boundaries on or off.

“Copy links” or “Insert linked data”

You can use both of these functions to copy tables, graphics or data in body text and paste them somewhere else while maintaining a link to the source file.

Page view and printing

Opens the “Preview and printing information” window in Word.

“Undo macro” or “Redo macro”

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + Y or Z

Behind the majority of firesys functions, there are macros that are made up of numerous individual stages. With these two buttons, you can undo or Redo the steps of an entire macro.

Redo last firesys action

Keyboard shortcut: Shift + F4

Redoes the last firesys function such as text formatting, highlighting in tables or “shrinking tables”.

The basic functions in Excel

Datei:Excel firesys-Verknüpfungen.jpg
The view of Excel-specific firesys basic functions


→ Go to the main article for the firesys settings in Excel

Settings for coloured highlighting, working with the dictionary or transmitter values, etc.

Open folder

Opens the folder where the currently opened Excel source file is stored.

Show formulas

Shows the formula in place of the result in all empty cells.

Go to StatusCockpit

Navigates you to the “StatusCockpit” worksheet. There you will get detailed information on the status of your Excel file.

Go to validation sheet

Jumps to the validation sheet that will show the number pairs including deviations for comparison.

Go to dictionary

Easily navigate from the selected hit to the source in the dictionary.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg The firesys basic functions
Navigation rechts.svg The firesys dashboard
Navigation rechts.svg The firesys support and system check
Navigation rechts.svg The context sensitive menu of firesys
Navigation rechts.svg The firesys settings in Excel and Word

Further contents

firesys website
Customer area