Vorlage:Edit pages

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A detailed explanation of the individual steps

To edit the page colour of your document, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on "Layout manager" in the "*Premium Layout" tab in the "Premium Layout" group.
    → The Layout manager opens.

  2. Click on Menü aufklappen.png, to open the detailed view of the colour scheme.

  3. Click on Menü aufklappen.png next to "Pages" to open the detailed view of the page colour.

  4. Click on "Page colour".
    → The "Edit" button is now selectable.

  5. Click on Seite bearbeiten 32x32.png "Edit".
    → The "Select colour" window opens.

  6. Select the desired colour.

  7. Click on "OK".

  8. Click on D Aktuelles Objekt gra 16.png "Apply".
    → The "Apply Colour scheme" window opens.

  9. Click on the Colour scheme you have just edited.
    → The Colour scheme is updated.
    ⇒ You have changed the page colour of your document.