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Special features when handling special characters

When working with firesys you have to take into account that some special characters are automatically replaced during the file import as well as during the import of account workbooks. This information is stored in the MeetingPoint - and here it could come to structural difficulties with the below mentioned special characters:

ASCII-Code Special character
ALT + 033 !
ALT + 034 "
ALT + 035 #
ALT + 039 '
ALT + 042 *
ALT + 047 /
ALT + 058 :
ALT + 060 <
ALT + 062 >
ALT + 063 ?
ALT + 091 [
ALT + 092 \
ALT + 093 ]
ALT + 0124 |
ALT + 0132
ALT + 0147
ALT + 0148

Additionally, the following characters (the so-called control characters) are removed:

ASCII-Code Description
ALT + 000 The null character prompts the device to do nothing
ALT + 001 Initiates a header (Start of Heading)
ALT + 002 Ends the header and marks the beginning of a message. (start of text)
ALT + 003 Indicates the end of the message (end of text)
ALT + 004 Marks the end of a completes transmission (End of Transmission)
ALT + 005 A request that requires a response (Enquiry)
ALT + 006 Gives a positive answer to the request (Acknowledge)
ALT + 007 Triggers a beep (Bell)
ALT + 008 Lets the cursor move back one step (Backspace)
ALT + 009 A horizontal tab that moves the cursor within a row to the next predefined position (Horizontal Tab)
ALT + 010 Causes the cursor to jump to the next line (Line Feed)
ALT + 011 The vertical tab lets the cursor jump to a predefined line (Vertical Tab)
ALT + 012 Requests a page break (Form Feed)
ALT + 013 Moves the cursor back to the first position of the line (Carriage Return)
ALT + 014 Switches to a special presentation (Shift Out)
ALT + 015 Switches the display back to the normal state (Shift In)
ALT + 016 Changes the meaning of the following characters (Data Link Escape)
ALT + 017 Control Character
ALT + 018 Control Character
ALT + 019 Control Character
ALT + 020 Control Character
ALT + 021 Negative response to a request (Negative Acknowledge)
ALT + 022 Synchronizes a data transfer, even if no signals are transmitted (Synchronous Idle)
ALT + 023 Marks the end of a transmission block (End of Transmission Block)
ALT + 024 Makes it clear that a transmission was faulty and the data must be discarded (Cancel)
ALT + 025 Indicates the end of the storage medium (End of Medium)
ALT + 026 Replacement for a faulty sign (Substitute)
ALT + 027 Initiates an escape sequence and thus gives the following characters a special meaning (Escape)
ALT + 028 Marks the separation of logical data blocks and is hierarchically ordered: file as the largest unit, file as the smallest unit.(File Separator, Group Separator, Record Separator, Unit Separator)
ALT + 029 Control Character
ALT + 030 Control Character
ALT + 031 Control Character