Vorlage:Video-Excel-Gestaltung-Formatierung-Styleguide-Zeilentypen konfigurieren-English

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The explanation of the individual steps in detail

How to configure row types for your Excel tables:

  1. In the “*Style” tab in the “Formatting” group, click on the “StyleGuide” split button.

  2. In the drop-down menu that opens, select the item “Configure row types”.
    →The dialogue “Configure row types” opens. Here you have the option to choose from different templates.

  3. Click on the desired element.
    Note: The “Edit” and “Reset” buttons are activated when you click on the element.

  4. Click on “Edit”.
    → The dialogue “Assign styles” opens. Here you can search for all existing Excel format templates.

  5. Select the ones you want to assign to their selection and then press “OK”.
    → The dialogue closes. You will see your selection in the edited template in the "Configure row types" dialogue.

  6. To undo your adjustments, select the template you want to change.

  7. Click on the “Reset” button to delete the format assignment.
    → The adjustments will be reversed