Vorlage:Video-Rundungs-Assistent-Manuelle Rundung mit Delta erstellen-English

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The explanation of the individual steps in detail

To create a manual rounding with delta for an account calculation/aggregate in the Master value manager:

  1. Click on the button “Open Master value manager” in the menu ribbon “*Content” in the group “Master values”.
    → The Master value manager opens.

  2. In the Master value manager, select the desired account calculation/account aggregate.

  3. Click on the button “Edit” in the Master value manager in the group “Administration”.
    → The editing dialogue opens.

  4. Select “Manual rounding value” in the editing dialogue.
    → The rounding wizard opens.

  5. Under “Rounding type” in the drop-down menu, select “Manual rounding with delta”.

  6. Enter your desired rounding value under “Manual rounding value” and your desired delta under “Delta”.
    → The result of the manual rounding is displayed under “Final result”.

  7. Click on “Ok”.
    → The manual rounding is displayed in the Master value manager under the relevant account calculation/account aggregate.