Vorlage:Video-Tabelle direkt aus markiertem Excel-Bereich einfügen-English

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A detailed explanation of the individual steps

Preparatory steps:

    So that a table can be inserted, a table must have been formatted properly beforehand. You can find information about this here.

This is how you insert a table in Excel into Word with firesys:

  1. Select the table area in your Excel document and then switch to the Word document you require.

  2. Save the Excel document.

  3. Change to the Word document.

  4. Position the mouse pointer at the location where you want to insert the table in the document.

  5. On the “*Content” tab in the “Excel data” group, click on the “Insert” menu and select “Directly from selected Excel range” in the “Table” area.
    → The Table assistant opens.

  6. You can make optional settings relating to the table and column width in the table assistant that now opens. Then confirm the dialog with “OK”.
    → The table is inserted with the saved preset layout.