Vorlage:Video-Tabellenassistent - Eine leere Tabelle neu erstellen-English

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A detailed explanation of the individual steps

Use this function to create a new, blank table in your Word document in accordance with your style guidelines. You can also insert tables into your document if the contents do not originate from Excel:

  1. Click in the place in the document where you want to insert the table.

  2. In the tab "*Design" in the group "Tables" click on the button RxbtnNewTable 32.png "*Table assistant". .

  3. Select the desired template for the table – depending on your layout

  4. Enter the number of columns and rows that you want in your table.

  5. Then select a width for the new table.

  6. Enter the width you require for the “Other columns” (usually the columns filled with numbers). The width of the “First column” (usually the text column) is adjusted automatically.

  7. Choose whether the table header is to be repeated on every page.

  8. Click OK to confirm your selection and to create
    → a table with the parameters you have specified.