Vorlage:Video-Tabellenassistent - Einfügen einer zusätzlichen Spalte und Zeile-English

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A detailed explanation of the individual steps

Insert a new row

  1. Hover the cursor over the table row above or below of where you want to insert a new row.
    → The following open on the left side of the menu ribbon other context-sensitive tabs.

  2. Click on "Rows" in the "*firesys" tab in the RxmnuFormatting 16.png "Rows and Columns" group.

  3. Click either “Insert above” or “Insert below” to add a row above or below the row where your cursor is pointed.
    → You have inserted an additional line.

Insert a new column

  1. Click in the column of your table next to which you want to insert an additional column.
    → Additional context-sensitive tabs open on the left side of the ribbon.

  2. Click on "Column" in the "*firesys" tab in the RxmnuInsertColumn 16.png "Rows and columns" group.

  3. Click on "Insert Right"/"Insert Left" to insert a column to the right or left of the column where your cursor is positioned.

  4. Then call up the Table assistant to adjust the width of the table and columns.
    → You have added an extra column to your table.