Vorlage:Video-Validierung erstellen Mehrfach-English

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To insert a new validation in Excel:

  1. Click on the "Create validation" button in the "*Content" ribbon in the "Validations" group.
    → A selection dialogue opens that shows you the different validation types.

  2. Select the "Single validation" function.
    → The validation task pane is added to your Excel worksheet.

  3. Use the mouse pointer to select the cell for which the validation is to be created and press the "Take value from cell" button in the "Select value 1" range.

  4. Now select the cell in your Excel workbook that contains the second value of the validation and press the button "Take value from cell" in the range "Select value 2".

  5. Confirm the entry by clicking on "Ok".
    → An information dialogue confirms the creation of the validation. You can then use the function "switch to validation sheet" to open the validation sheet where your validation is displayed.