Vorlage:Video-Wörterbuch erstellen-English

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A detailed explanation of the individual steps

This is how you create a dictionary with firesys:

  1. On the “*Translation” ribbon, in the “Dictionary” group, choose the “Create/update” button. In the dialog that follows, select one of the two options:

    1. Single-language tables
      In this case, the text is entered as the master language (language 1) within the print areas of your workbook.

    2. Bilingual tables
      Choose this option if you have the texts of the master language in the first column and those of the secondary language in the second column of the print area. Column labels must be entered manually in the translation manager.

  2. Check the information in the following window.
    Note:In the dialog you can see which worksheets in your Excel workbook in the dictionary or ignored. Sheets without a print area and protected sheets cannot be added to the dictionary.

  3. Click on

    1. “Cancel” to correct the settings

    2. “OK” to create the dictionary or
      → The dictionary is created.