Vorlage:Video-Word-Inhalt-Excel-Daten-Excel-Daten-Manager-Hilfe und Suche-Funktion in den Managern-English

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The explanation of the individual steps in detail

How to use the help and search function in the firesys managers:

    Note: The help and search function is shown as an example for all managers using the Excel data manager.

  1. Click on the button “Excel data manager” in the menu ribbon “*Design” in the group “Excel data”. The Excel data manager opens.
    → At the bottom right of the Excel data manager you will find both the “Search & Filter” and the “Help” function.

  2. If you click on the “Search & Filter” button, a task pane opens.
    →Here you will find an overview of all filterable properties of the contents of the respective manager. As soon as you click on a filter, the display in the list view changes. Only the elements that correspond to the selected filter category are displayed. You can reset the selection at any time by deselecting the individual elements or by clicking on the “Cancel filter” button above the list.

  3. If you click on the “Help” button, the help area opens. All functions of the manager are displayed here with the symbol used and the function name. You can expand each list element to obtain further information. In addition, a red arrow is displayed for all elements that are permanently visible in the manager's menu ribbon. If you touch the functions with the mouse, it shows you the position of the button in the menu band of the data manager. If you click on an element, a descriptive text is displayed below the element.