Create a story

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Version vom 8. Januar 2020, 09:38 Uhr von O.wendt (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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By using stories, multiple documents can be combined to create a complete master as a final document. While you are working in a document, you can select any text area and create a new story from it.

A detailed explanation of the individual steps

How to create a new story:

  1. Use the cursor to select the area in your Word document that should be the content of the new story.

  2. On the “*Content” tab, in the “Collaboration” group, click on the “Create” menu.
    → An information dialogue opens, indicating that the Master must first be saved.

  3. This opens an information dialog indicating that the master must be saved first of all. To continue, click on “Yes”.
    → A Windows save dialogue opens.

  4. A Windows save dialog then opens in which you have to specify the storage location of the new story.

  5. "Click on "OK".
    → After a short calculation time, the selected area of the document is then saved as a new story at the specified path.

Siehe auch

Navigation hoch.svg An overview of the contents of the content manager
Navigation rechts.svg An overview of the content manager
Navigation rechts.svg Insert a story
Navigation rechts.svg Write back a story
Navigation rechts.svg The update and story functions in the content manager

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