The master dictionary

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When working with a Master dictionary, terms and their translations are managed and updated. Any number of Excel files can access this central source. Uniform wording and translation in ta-bles can be ensured throughout the company in this way.


Working with the Master dictionary comprises two elements:

  • The master dictionary (corresponds to the word list in this case) contains the terms and the associated translations.
  • As an extract of the master dictionary, the sub-dictionaries contain only those terms and translations that occur in the associated Excel file.

Working with the master dictionary

The central dictionary is the primary management tool of translation elements in firesys. Therefore not all setting options are available for every user group. The following access rights are possible for the different user roles:

Function Author / Editor Administrator
Menu ribbon Functions may be disabled All functions are available
Translation manager Cannot be executed Can be executed
Import term directly Cannot be executed Can be executed
Edit requested terms Cannot be executed Can be executed
Create Master dictionary Cannot be executed Can be executed
Translator export Cannot be executed Can be executed
Translator import Cannot be executed Can be executed
AutoCorrect terms Cannot be executed Can be executed

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

The Master dictionary of every Excel file can be edited and firesys users can execute all functions without toolsrights. toolsrights allows you to limit the user's access to firesys functions.

Authorize requested terms

If a new term is used in a sub-dictionary, but it is not in the Master dictionary, it is requested (> see section Request terms). The requested terms now have to be reviewed, cor-rected if necessary and authorized (> see section “Import term”). IYou can see this process in the diagram above.

  • So in the first step (Firesys Icons BubbleOrange 1 white background.png) a term in any sub-dictionary requested.
  • In the second step this requested term is transferred to your central dictionary Firesys Icons BubbleGreen 2.png). Here an administrator can check the term, then release it and incorporate a suitable translation.
  • The term is then made available by the central dictionary for all linked sub-dictionaries (Step Firesys Icons BubbleViolet 3.png).
  • Finally, this term can be used in all sub-dictionaries. (Firesys Icons Bubble Violet4.png).

Which sub-dictionaries are linked to the Master dictionary?

Datei:EN-Excel Übersetzung Liste-Teilwörterbücher.jpg.jpg
An exemplary list of the partial dictionaries with a connected partial dictionary

A dialogue will inform you about which sub-dictionaries are currently connected. In the “*Translation” tab in the “Dictionary” group, click on the lower part of the “Create / Update“ but-ton and click “List sub-dictionaries”. The following options are available in the dialogue:

Firesys Icons BubbleTransparent 1 white background.png Remove from list

Removes the selected sub-dictionary from the list. This function can be used to remove old Excel files (previous quarterly / annual reports) or if documents have been renamed.

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

This option is only available if the document shown in the list is renamed or no longer exists.

Firesys Icons BubbleTransparent 2 white background.png Open

Opens the selected sub-dictionary.

Firesys Icons BubbleTransparent 3 white background.png Open as read only

Opens the selected sub-dictionary as read only.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg The dictionaries in firesys
Navigation rechts.svg Working with the sub-dictionary
Navigation rechts.svg Create a dictionary
Navigation rechts.svg Settings in Excel – dictionary

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