Dashboard settings

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Version vom 1. August 2022, 12:51 Uhr von C.wagner (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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You will find the “Settings” menu option in the lower left of the dashboard. Here you will find default settings for certain functions in the dashboard.

Timeline tile

Show completed deadlines

Decide whether completed deadlines should be shown in the timeline tile.

EN Dashboard Einstellungen 2.jpg

Automatically delete notifications

Choose after how many days internal notifications are automatically deleted.

EN Dashboard Einstellungen 3.jpg


Choose whether the firesys dashboard interface is in English or German.

EN Dashboard Einstellungen 4.jpg



EN Dashboard Einstellungen 5.jpg



To use all of the functions of the dashboard, you must connect it with your MeetingPoint . You will find information on this topic in the white paper in the internal section of our website firesys – White Paper.

EN Dashboard Einstellungen 6.jpg

Update intervals

Here you can determine how often the dashboard is automatically synchronized.

EN Dashboard Einstellungen 7.jpg

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Overview of the firesys dashboard
Navigation rechts.svg The functions of the firesys dashboard
Navigation rechts.svg Timelines and deadlines in the dashboard

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firesys website
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