Dashboard timelines and deadlines

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Here you can create all timelines and milestones and make them available for all firesys users in your company. All created timelines are under “Timelines” in the settings area of the dashboard. These are divided into

  • Active: All currently active timelines
  • Planned: All planned but still inactive timelines
  • Archived: All completed timelines

Create new timeline

To create a new timeline, click on “Create new timeline”. Enter the following information in the dialog:

  • Give your timeline a clear name (e.g. Annual Report 2017)
  • Define a start and end deadline for your timeline
  • Decide whether your timeline will be active, planned or inactive
  • You can also add a description, if desired
  • When you click on the tick, the timeline will be created and saved

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Good to know

A timeline must have a name and must be for a period of at least two days.

Create new deadline

You can allocate deadlines to individual timelines. To create a deadline, click “Create new deadline”.

  • First of all, you must decide which timeline you would like to allocate this deadline to.
  • Give your deadline a clear name (e.g. editorial meeting)
  • Define a date for your deadline
  • Decide whether the deadline is to be presented as a milestone in the timeline.
  • Decide whether the deadline is to be created as “new” or “active”
  • You can also add a description, if desired
  • When you click on the tick, the deadline will be created, allocated to the timeline and saved.

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Good to know

To create a deadline, a timeline must be available on the dashboard.

Edit timeline or deadline

If you would like to edit a timeline or deadline, click “Edit timeline or deadline” or double click on the element on the dashboard. You can change all of the parameters set in the dashboard. This is useful if you would like to give elements a different status.

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Good to know

If you change the start date of a timeline for which deadlines were already created, then firesys automatically checks each start date of the deadlines. You will be notified if the new start date of the timeline was defined after the start date of one or more deadlines. It is recommended that you then change the respective start date of the relevant deadlines.

Delete timeline or deadline

If you no longer need timelines or deadlines, you can remove them completely.

Copy timeline or deadline

Use this button to copy recurring identical timelines and add current data.


Search all elements for a term. The search results are shown in a filtered view.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Overview of the firesys dashboard
Navigation rechts.svg The functions of the firesys dashboard
Navigation rechts.svg Dashboard settings

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