The typography functions

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Version vom 23. Juni 2023, 13:57 Uhr von R.kuhlmann (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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EN Menüband Word Veröffentlichen Typografie Typografie-Funktionen.jpg

RxbtnFinalPreflight 64.png
The typography functions in firesys

The typography functions in firesys give you a number of tools so your document has a good typographical design.

RxbtnFinalPreflight 64.png

Use the coupler to join certain terms together so they are never separated through line breaks. Rules can be defined by using regular expressions. more

With the “Never hyphenate word” function you can define words that must always be kept together in your document and must not be separated with line breaks. This enables you to better adhere to your corporate identity, for example. more

Here you can determine where certain words can be hyphenated. You can also determine hyphenation suggestions on how certain words are to be hyphenated in Word.more

The baseline grid in firesys is a graphical foundation that shapes the design of your documents and you can align the lines in your document precisely to a height with multi-column text. more

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Design content in Word
Navigation rechts.svg The firesys layout functions
Navigation rechts.svg Formatting texts in Word
Navigation rechts.svg Design tables in Word
Navigation rechts.svg The Premium Layout

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