Publish contents with firesys

Aus firesys Hilfe
Version vom 12. August 2024, 15:06 Uhr von C.wagner (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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EN Word Veröffentlichen Sprache-undZahlenformat Web-Export XBRL-Export.jpg

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Publish contents with firesys

With firesys you can be sure that the layout and wording are consistent and correct throughout your publication.

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toolsweb enables you to automatically create an HTML document of your financial report with just one click. If desired, you can generate all of your tables in one collective file or in individual files. more

Translate your tables with one click and, at the same time, the numbers are automatically formatted in the appropriate format that was predefined for the target language. more

With toolsxbrl you can use an integrated XBRL tagger to assign taxonomies directly from firesys. Then export the ESEF-compliant report data in iXBRL format. more

As a rule, you also need a PDF file of your report. Here you will find tips on how to correctly create PDF files from firesys documents. more

See also

Navigation hoch.svg The firesys functions in Word
Navigation rechts.svg Design content in Word
Navigation rechts.svg Insert external contents

Further contents

firesys website
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