Approve deviation

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Use this function to approve non-relevant deviations of validations (e.g. in the area after the decimal point which is not displayed). Approved deviations are no longer listed as errors in the vali-dation sheet nor are they marked as errors in the Word tables.

In order to approve deviations, please do the following:

  • Change to the validation sheet and highlight the validation with a deviation you wish to approve.
  • Select “Approve deviation” in the “Validation and consistency” group on the “*Validation” tab.

In the following dialogue, you can select the following two approval types:

Firesys Icons BubbleTransparent 1 white background.png Approve delta

Use this function if you would like to release a specific number range. The current deviation will then be directly recommended as delta. All values within this range automatically receive ap-proval.

Firesys Icons BubbleTransparent 2 white background.png Approve current values

Use this option to approve the current values as a deviation. The validation will be listed as a de-viation again, even if a value has only changed slightly. You can also add a comment and con-firm the dialogue with “OK”.

The deviation is approved and the respective information on the validation is shown as an Excel comment. This contains a date stamp, user information and the release value (Delta).

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

Approved deviations are no longer listed as “Deviations” on the validation sheet under “Errors in validations”, they are listed as “Approved”.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Validations in Excel
Navigation rechts.svg Create validations
Navigation rechts.svg Create multiple validations
Navigation rechts.svg Auto-validations in firesys
Navigation rechts.svg Edit validations
Navigation rechts.svg Delete validations

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