Insert data in text directly from the selected Excel cell

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Use this function to insert the content of a single cell that you have just selected in Excel directly as a linked firesys object in the body text of your Word document. Follow the same steps as when you insert a table directly from a selected Excel range (see “Insert table directly from the selected Excel range”).

Insert data directly from the selected Excel cell

This is how you insert data in text objects directly from a selected cell in Excel into Word with firesys:

  1. In Excel, highlight the cell that you want to add to Word as a linked data object in body text.

  2. Give the selected cell a name as otherwise it cannot be imported.

  3. Save the Excel file.

  4. Switch to the Word file and position the cursor where you want to insert the data from the selected cell.

  5. Click on the “*Content” tab in the “Excel data” group on the “Insert” menu, and select “Directly from selected Excel cells” or “Directly from selected Excel cells as an absolute value” under the section “Data in text&rdquo.
    → The linktext assistant inserts the data from the highlighted Excel cell into your body text.

  6. Reference: If several names have been given to the selected Excel range, the dialog will ask you to select the desired range.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg An overview of inserting Excel contents
Navigation rechts.svg Insert a table from a file
Navigation rechts.svg Insert a table directly from the selected Excel range
Navigation rechts.svg Insert data in text from a file
Navigation rechts.svg Insert data in text directly from the selected Excel cell with options

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