Vorlage:Video-firesys-Layout Texte bearbeiten-English

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The explanation of the individual steps in detail

To edit texts in the Layout manager:

  1. Click on the “Layout manager” button in the menu ribbon under “*Premium Layout” in the “Premium Layout” group.
    → The Layout manager opens.

  2. Select the desired colour scheme.

  3. Click on the arrow symbol to the left of the desired colour scheme.
    → A drop-down menu opens.

  4. Click on the arrow symbol next to “Texts” in the drop-down menu.
    → Another drop-down menu opens with the template “Standard”.

  5. Select the standard template and click on “Edit” in the Layout manager in the “Texts” group.
    → The "Edit style sheet" window opens.

  6. Make the desired settings.

  7. Click on “Ok”.
    → A dialogue appears in which you can select whether you want to change only the currently selected template or also all subsequent templates.

  8. Select the desired option.
    → The changes are saved and the style sheet is adjusted. To apply the changes to the document, the layout must be applied again ( see Farbschema anwenden)