Insert values in Excel

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Excel Funktionen 64.png
Insert values in Excel

With version 20.1., firesys is offering you a way of inserting numerical values from the MeetingPoint into your Excel document. You can use these numbers as the basis of additional operations.

Excel Funktionen 64.png

A transmitter value contains a numerical value which is found at a different location in the workbook, or in a different Excel workbook (transmitter values cannot be created on workbooks that are created by firesys). more

A manual value is a data record in the firesys MeetingPoint that contains a numerical value and a name and can be created directly in the firesys menu ribbon. more

An account value is a master value in firesys that can be written to the MeetingPoint via the account workbook and has a high level of integrity as a result of the key date reference. more

An account calculation and an account aggregate are composed of the mathematical addition/subtraction of several account values or account calculations. more

The constant integrity of your data is a fundamental element of firesys. It should be possible to update even cross-file document structures through their connection to the firesys MeetingPoint just by pressing a button. more

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Maintain Excel contents
Navigation rechts.svg Data import
Navigation rechts.svg The functions of the master value manager
Navigation rechts.svg The validation basic functions
Navigation rechts.svg An overview of the rolling forward function
Navigation rechts.svg Automated worksheet

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