Insert contents from Excel into Word

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Insert contents from Excel into Word

With linktables you can import and update data from Excel to Word. You can link complete tables from Excel or insert individual cells as a data in text element

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The Excel data manager is the “control centre” for monitoring all data that is imported and updated from Excel. It is divided into an action and option area and displays the linked elements in the list area. more

You can use these functions to insert Excel tables as linked firesys table objects or individual cells as data in text elements in your corporate design. more

You can use these functions to update your linked Excel data with one click. This means that your business report always contains correctly maintained values. more

In firesys you can navigate quickly through your tables and highlight content-related changes in colour. more

Your direct access to the function-specific settings. You can always find the “firesys settings” menu option in the “firesys” group on the left side of the ribbon. more

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Insert external contents into Word
Navigation rechts.svg Insert graphics into Word
Navigation rechts.svg Working in the team with the content manager
Navigation rechts.svg Version and manage a document
Navigation rechts.svg Highlight and manage linked objects
Navigation rechts.svg Manage files on SharePoint
Navigation rechts.svg Contents from WeSustain

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