Create validations
You can compare two numbers from one Excel document. You can allocate these to a group and display them in the comparison sheet in a clear overview.
Create a validation
Selection of validation values
Select a value
Transfer value from cell: The value from the currently selected Excel cell is transferred as the validation value if it is a numerical value.
Datei:Image.Cell.AccountValue.16.png Select account value: This opens a dialog with which you can transfer an account value from the master value manager as the validation value.
Select the transmitter value or manual value: this opens a dialog with which you can transfer an existing master value as the validation value.
The underlying data source of the respective validation value is displayed in the “Selection” field. You will be informed if you have not yet selected anything.
You can define the mathematical operator multiplication or division for your validation value.
If you have selected an operator, you can select the decimal powers 1,000/1,000,000 or 1,000,000,000 as the factor for calculating your validation of firesys.
Intermediate calculation
The previously configured calculation of the validation value is displayed written out in an intermediate calculation.
Here you always see the current calculation of the previously selected validation and the corresponding operator and factor.
Good to know
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With an individual calculation, you cannot select an identical cell for “Value 1” and “Value 2”. |
The operator/factor enables values of different units to be validated.
The division or multiplication with the factor thousand, millions and billions is available for selection. To improve transparency, the intermediate calculation is also displayed in the dialogue.
Absolute values
Create validations without taking the sign of the selected values into account.
Additional information
Supplement your validation with additional valuable information:
Validations in firesys must always be assigned to a group. The groups serve to assign the various validations precisely and are the central sorting key on the validation worksheet. You can add new groups or edit and delete existing ones at any time.
Good to know
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When you create or edit a validation, if you enter and confirm a group name that is already being used, both validation groups can be combined into a group. However, this step cannot be reversed. |
Here you can provide a description containing explanatory, additional information about the validation.
Good to know
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Starting from the selected cell, firesys automatically searches for a description and proposes this in the corresponding field. |
You can add a comment on the current validation here.
Search for terms
Here you can search all worksheets for a term with the following options:
Compare entire content of cells: The option “Compare entire content of cells” enables you to limit the search further. Example: When searching for the term “EBITDA”, firesys finds all cells in which the term “EBITDA” is used. The term “EBITDA” + the option (“Compare entire content of cells”) only finds cells containing exclusively “EBITDA”.
Previous hit: Use the arrows to start the search and navigate through the individual hits and to the previous hit.
Next hit: Use the arrows to start the search and navigate through the individual hits and to the next hit.
Case study: create a validation
So fügen Sie eine neue Validierung in Excel ein:
Klicken Sie auf den Knopf „Validierung erstellen“ im Menüband „*Inhalt“ in der Gruppe „Validierungen“.
→ Ein Auswahldialog öffnet sich, der Ihnen die verschiedenen Validierungstypen anzeigt. -
Wählen Sie hier die Funktion „Einzel-Validierung“.
→ Ihr Excel-Arbeitsblatt wird um den Validierungs-Arbeitsbereich erweitert. -
Wählen Sie mit dem Mauszeiger die Zelle, für die die Validierung erstellt werden soll, aus und drücken Sie im Bereich „Wert 1 auswählen“ auf den Knopf „Wert aus Zelle übernehmen“.
Wählen Sie nun die Zelle in Ihrer Excel-Arbeitsmappe aus, die den zweiten Wert der Validierung enthält und drücken Sie im Bereich „Wert 2 auswählen“ auf den Knopf „Wert aus Zelle übernehmen“.
Bestätigen Sie die Eingabe mit einem Klick auf „Ok“.
→ Ein Informationsdialog bestätigt Ihnen die Erstellung der Validierung. -
Öffnen Sie mithilfe der Funktion „zum Validierungsblatt wechseln“ das Validierungsblatt.
→ Ihre Validierung wird angezeigt.
See also
An overview of the validation functions
Create multiple validations
Create auto-validations
Edit validation
Delete validation