Insert data in text directly from the selected Excel cell with options

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Version vom 5. Januar 2024, 11:03 Uhr von R.kuhlmann (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Use this function to insert the content of a single cell as a linked firesys object in the body text of your Word document. Follow the same steps as when inserting a table directly from a file (see Insert a table from a file) or when inserting a table directly from a selected Excel range (see Insert table directly from the selected Excel range). However, you can also define a different unit for the data in text object. The following options are available for inserting data in text:

EN Daten im Objekt mit Optionen einfügen.jpg

Absolute values:

  • Ignore initial characters: Tick here to ignore the minus sign. Negative numbers are now transferred without the minus sign (see Result/Preview).

Different unit:

  • Operator: You have the option of dividing or multiplying the number to be transferred using an operator. You can determine the Factor under "Factor".
  • Factor: You use the Factor to determine how much the number to be transferred is divided or multiplied by.
  • Displayed decimal places: Specify how many decimal places of the number should be displayed in your Word document.

A detailed explanation of the individual steps

Preparatory steps:

  1. So that you can enter a value with a different unit, it must be given a name in Excel beforehand. More information is available here.

This is how you insert a data in text object with a different unit into Word with firesys:

  1. Select the cell of the value you require in your Excel document and then switch to the Word document.

  2. Save the Excel file.

  3. Position the mouse cursor at the point in your Word document where you want to insert the value.

  4. Click on the “*Content” tab in the “Excel Data” group on the “Insert” menu and select “Directly from the selected Excel cell with options” from the “Data in text” area.
    → A selection dialog opens.

  5. Select the operator, the factor and the rounded decimal places here. The “Result/preview” field enables you to check the data that was inserted into the text object.

  6. Confirm the dialog with “OK”.
    → The value is inserted directly with the saved Premium Layout.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg An overview of inserting Excel contents
Navigation rechts.svg Insert a table from a file
Navigation rechts.svg Insert a table directly from the selected Excel range
Navigation rechts.svg Insert data in text from a file
Navigation rechts.svg Insert data in text directly from the selected Excel cell

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