Status and highlighting

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By using coloured highlighting, which you can switch on and off, you can display linked elements in your firesys document. The “Status” function provides an overview of the current status of linked Excel data, graphics and stories.

<imagemap>Datei:EN Word Inhalt Menüband Status-Markierungen.jpg|center|1200px rect 402 74 489 178 Overview_of_the_Excel_data_manager rect 491 74 590 177 Excel_data_manager_–_the_update_functions rect 592 82 754 100 Insert_Excel_contents rect 230 81 403 186 Status_and_highlighting rect 594 104 759 165 The_change_display_in_Excel rect 764 78 1054 186 Insert_graphics_into_Word rect 1061 79 1363 185 Teamwork_in_firesys rect 1369 82 1593 186 Versioning_in_firesys rect 4 76 82 182 Overview_of_the_dashboard rect 86 78 132 183 The_basic_functions_of_firesys rect 140 79 225 186 The_basic_functions_of_firesys desc none



Shows the status of all linked objects. This dialog box displays the number and status of all linked Excel data and graphics as well as the individual stories (if you are working in a master document).

The standard view of the *Design interface

Click to open the relevant manager. If Excel data is marked as “Undefined”, first open the Excel Data Manager and carry out a “Status update” (for a more detailed explanation, see “The Excel data manager”).

Highlighting and notifications

Sets/removes highlighting for linked objects. linktext can highlight the data (see Insert contents from Excel) that you have inserted from Excel into Word, so that you are always kept up-to-date about the current status. You can also highlight all stories inserted with linkdocuments. Once you have checked the document, you can remove the highlighting with just one click.

Die Erklärung der einzelnen Schritte im Detail

So legen Sie farbige Markierungen in firesys fest:

  1. Klicken Sie im Reiter „*Inhalt“ in der Gruppe „Verbundene Objekte“ auf den Knopf „Setzen“ im Bereich „Markierung“.
    → Es öffnet sich ein Auswahlmenü. In diesem Menü können Sie wählen, ob Sie sich mithilfe farbiger Markierungen bei der Erkennung von Daten im Text-Elementen, verlorenen Excel-Daten-Verbindungen oder Partikeln von firesys unterstützen lassen möchten.

  2. Klicken Sie auf die gewünschte Option.
    → Die gewählte Option wird ausgeführt - und die farbigen Markierungen werden in Word angezeigt.

    Hinweis: Sollten Sie aktuell gesetzte farbige Markierungen nicht mehr benötigen, können Sie die optische Unterstützung mithilfe des Knopfs „Entfernen“ wieder zurück auf den Ursprungszustand bringen.

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

You can manage the automatic highlighting in the settings under “Set highlighting”.

Set highlighting

Set data in text

Highlights in green data that has been inserted into the body text from Excel.

Lost Excel data links

Highlights data that is imported from Excel in blue when the link to Excel is broken.


Highlights stories (and fields) in grey. Caution: If stories are shaded, then no other highlights will be shown.

Remove highlighting

Selected object

Removes the highlighting from the selected objects. If the selected object contains magenta-coloured highlighting, this indicates problems with the Excel data.

Decide whether you want to delete the highlighting as well, or whether the cause of the problem should be resolved (see Update/troubleshooting).

Previous Excel data change

Removes the turquoise-coloured highlighting from earlier changes.

Data in text

Removes the green highlighting of all data in the text linked to Excel.

Remove lost Excel data links

Removes the blue highlighting from all data that has lost its link to Excel.


Removes the grey highlighting in stories.

All linked Excel data

Removes the highlighting of all objects (tables and text data) linked to Excel in the Word document.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Insert external contents into Word
Navigation rechts.svg Insert contents from Excel into Word
Navigation rechts.svg Insert graphics
Navigation rechts.svg Working in the team with the content manager
Navigation rechts.svg Highlight and manage linked objects

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