Views and comments in Excel

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<imagemap>Datei:EN_Excel_Gestaltung_Ansicht-Kommentare.jpg|center|1200px|center rect 3 75 200 187 Die Basisfunktionen von firesys rect 288 77 463 182 Texte_in_Excel_gestalten rect 204 76 285 184 Übersicht_StyleGuide rect 464 74 541 180 Texte_in_Excel_gestalten#Highlight rect 545 73 643 183 Texte_in_Excel_gestalten#Bedingte_Formatierung rect 650 75 914 187 Excel-Bereiche rect 919 77 1105 186 Formeln desc none



RxbtnCellSplitWindow 16.png Split window

Display of the current file in two windows.

RxbtnCellZoomAndA1 16.png Reset view

The zoom level of all worksheets is set to 100%; the current selection is set to cell A1.

Comments in Excel

Datei:ReviewNewComment 16.png New comment

Leave a comment in the selected Excel cell.

ReviewShowOrHideComment 16.png Show / hide comment

Show / hide selected comment.

ReviewShowAllComments 16.png Show all comments

Show all comments in the workbook.

ReviewDeleteComment 16.png Delete comment

Delete selected comment.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg The firesys layout functions in Excel
Navigation rechts.svg The StyleGuide in Excel
Navigation rechts.svg Formatting functions in Excel
Navigation rechts.svg Use Excel ranges in firesys
Navigation rechts.svg Use Excel formulas in firesys

Further contents

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