The list view in the content manager

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The list view

Here you can find information about all stories that are linked to the master. By double-clicking on a story in the selection window, you can navigate within your master to the beginning of this story. To change settings for more than one story at a time, select them by holding down the shift or

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

Administrators can still edit stories with the status “read only” or “no access” provided they open the stories in the master (requires toolsrights).

Current status

Image-Common-Manager-Status-UpToDate.png Up to date
Image-Common-Manager-Status-Outdated.png Outdated
Image-Common-Manager-Status-Unknown.png Locked for editing in exclusive mode.

Authorization (with toolsrights only)

Shows the authorisation that was set for the story

Image.Share.Permission.Edit.16.png Full access
The content of the selected stories is released for editing.
Image.Share.Permission.ReadOnly.16.png Read only
Locks editing of content in the selected stories for all users.
Image.Share.Permission.Locked.16.png No access
Locks access to the selected stories.
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Good to know

Access to particles that have been blocked is still possible with the previously set administrator password.

Yellow vertical highlighting

Indicates hidden particles or content-related inconsistencies

EN Word Content-Manager Warnung.jpg

Red vertical highlighting: problems

Indicates objects that could not be found or updated.

EN Word Content-Manager Problem.jpg

Additional information

Clicking on the left arrow expands the objects and shows additional information. In the problem/solution suggestion area, if applicable, an explanation is given as to why an object was not updated in the last update process. Here you will also find status information and the toolsrights document status information.

Show/hide document status (only available with toolsrights)

With the document status, you can visually display the status of your publication. The status of all stories (Draft, Pending, Approved) is displayed or hidden by a coloured column at the edge of the document.

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Good to know

When “writing back” content to the stories, the coloured columns are removed.


In the “*Content” ribbon, in the “Collaboration” group, click on the lower part of the “Content manager” split button and select the “Display” button. Columns with colours according to the status will be inserted for all paragraphs in the master document.

Partikelstatus-Draft.jpg Story status – draft
Partikelstatus-Pending.jpg Story status – pending
Partikelstatus-Approved.jpg Story status – approved


In the “*Content” menu ribbon, in the “Collaboration” group, click on the drop-down menu for “Content manager” and select “Hide”. Columns with colours will be removed for all paragraphs.

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

Tables cannot be assigned a coloured column for technical reasons.

The status menu

Shows the number of linked and selected stories.

EN Word Content-Manager Statusleiste.jpg

See also

Navigation hoch.svg An overview of the content manager contents
Navigation rechts.svg An overview of the content manager’s interface
Navigation rechts.svg The object options in the content manager
Navigation rechts.svg The update and story functions in the content manager

Further contents

firesys website
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